David Tordi Bio

Italian Language Online Teacher

David Tordi

David was born in Orvieto, Umbria, Italy in 1978. Soon after, thanks to his parents and sister, David immersed himself into music and languages, understanding right away that both are another way to communicate with people: Music going directly to the soul, and foreign languages allowing him to interact with people that otherwise he would have never been able to.

That is why today David speaks fluent English, is a musician (guitarist and singer in the acoustic guitar trio called "Bartender"), a licensed tour guide (for Rick Steves' Europe and his own local company) and an English and Italian language teacher.

David is married to an American and lived in the USA for some time, where he learned many aspects that turned out to be fundamental to understand and explain cultural differences, as well as behaviors and language rules between the Italian and American "worlds".

David, who also speaks French and Spanish, achieved a university degree in Foreign Languages (English and Russian) at the UniversitĂ  degli Studi della Tuscia, Viterbo (Italy). He also has an international Italian teaching and TOEFL certifications.

Today more than ever Languages and Music are the ways David is able to share his soul, his country and knowledge to the people he meets along their life paths.

Fore more information on David Tordi's bio, please visit his LinkedIn profile here.